Student Voice

Ceduna Area School has a strong and active Student Representative Council (SRC). We have two main SRC councils split up into R-6 and 7-12.

Class meetings are held regularly and students are encouraged to conduct these themselves. Two students are elected from each class to become members of the Junior and Senior SRCs. Senior SRC members serve on all the main decision making groups within the school and student participation is valued.

The R-6 SRC meet fortnightly. They organise lunchtime activities and conduct fundraisers. The 7-12 SRC meet regularly on a three week rotation. One week is 7-9 SRC the second week is 10-12 SRC and during the third week we have 7-12 SRC. Students discuss issues that are bought to their attention by other students in the school and work out the best way of dealing with these issues.

Lunchtime activities have been organised by the SRC such as mixed netball and indoor cricket. We hold cake stalls and discos to raise funds to purchase sport equipment for home groups to access. Once a term a casual clothes day is held and the money raised is given to a charity of the SRC's choice.